Potential Model

Atomic dress

The absolute value of total energy from ab-initio calculations can often be very large. To avoid numerical problems, it is common practice to assign a constant atomic energy (dress) to each type of atom, such that the average energy is shifted to zero. Such an atomic dress can be generated with pinn.utils.get_atomic_dress

Loss function

The loss function in potential model is defined as following:

\[ L = w_e \cdot \mathrm{MSE}(e) + w_f \cdot \mathrm{MSE}(f) + w_s \cdot \mathrm{MSE} (s) + \mathrm{regularization} \]

Loss terms are mean squared errors of:

It is assumed that the energy, force and stress labels are labelled as "e_data", "f_data", "s_data" in the training set respectively, if they are to be used in the loss function.


Below is a list of additional parameters of the potential model and their descriptions.

Parameter Default Description
e_dress {} Atomic Dress
e_scale 1 The energy scaling during training, this variable defines the energy unit during training
e_unit 1 Unit of the input energies, this variable will be used in the ASE calculator
max_energy False When set to a number, exclude energies above this value in loss function
use_e_per_atom False Use the per-atom energy in place of total energy in loss function
log_e_per_atom True Log the per-atom energy error, automatically enabled with use_e_per_atoms=True
use_e_weight False Scale the energy loss according to the 'e_weight' Tensor in the dataset
use_force False Include force in loss function
max_force_comp False if set to float, omit forces components larger than it
no_force_comp False if set to int, use as maximum number of force component per weight update
use_f_weights False Scale the energy loss according to the 'f_weights' Tensor in the dataset
use_stress False Include stress in loss function
use_l2 False Include L2 regularization in loss function
e_loss_multiplier 1 Weight of energy loss
f_loss_multiplier 1 Weight of force loss
s_loss_multiplier 1 Weight of stress loss
l2_loss_multiplier 1 Weight of l2 loss

ASE calculator

A calculator can be created from a model as simple as:

from pinn.get_calc
calc = get_calc('/path/to/model/')


Following the convention of ASE, the output unit is eV for energy, eV/Šfor forces and eV/ų for stress tensor. Since PiNN does not know about the unit in the dataset, a to_eV parameter is given to convert from the dataset unit to eV (this optional is not necessary if e_unit is set in the parameters).

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