Source code for ccs_fit.scripts.jsonTotable

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#  CCS: Curvature Constrained Splines                                          #
#  Copyright (C) 2019 - 2023  CCS developers group                             #
#                                                                              #
#  See the LICENSE file for terms of usage and distribution.                   #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#

Functionality to derive spline table for LAMMPS

import json
import sys
import itertools
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict
from ccs_fit.ase_calculator.ccs_ase_calculator import spline_table

[docs]def asecalcTotable(jsonfile, scale=10, table="CCS.table"): json_file = open(jsonfile) CCS_params = json.load(json_file) energy = [] force = [] tags = {} with open(table, "w") as f: for pair in CCS_params["Two_body"].keys(): elem1, elem2 = pair.split("-") tb = spline_table(elem1, elem2, CCS_params) rmin=CCS_params["Two_body"][pair]["r_min"] dr = CCS_params["Two_body"][pair]["dr"] / scale r = np.arange(rmin, tb.Rcut + dr, dr) tags[pair]=dict({'Rmin':rmin,'Rcut':tb.Rcut,'dr':dr,'N':len(r)}) f.write("\n {}".format(pair)) f.write("\n N {} R {} {} \n".format(len(r), rmin, tb.Rcut)) [ f.write( "\n {} {} {} {}".format( index + 1, elem, tb.eval_energy(elem), tb.eval_force(elem) ) ) for index, elem in enumerate(r) ] return tags
if __name__ == "__main__": f = sys.argv[1] asecalcTotable(f)